Dear Dalton,
Today your doctors thought that you were ready to start "real food" so mama watched your nurse, Angela, put a tiny feeding tube down your nose- Buddy, you didn't even cry! Mama was so proud of how brave you were.
You lost another 2oz :( so we hoped that the milk would help you put on some pounds. So far, you are doing great with every feeding. They have you on 4ml.
Daddy came up to visit you today and he was so excited because you "smiled" for him!
Your bilirubin levels decreased from 6.5 to 5.9 today! Hopefully you won't have to be under this light for very long.
Big sister Shelby got a special ok to visit you today and made you a really cool sign for your isolette. She was so excited to be able to meet you for the first time!
That's all for today!